quinta-feira, dezembro 8

A Dívida explicada às crianças

Com matemática e tudo, está aqui.

Conselhos ao instrutor:

...have students write down their ideas down about why countries like Greece, Italy, Ireland and Portugal are considered “more worrisome,” ..., and why they owe so much money to other countries.

Termina com um exercício:

Explain that a conventional solution to a debt crisis is to loan money to a country loaded with debt so that its creditors can be paid. Make a list of the potential benefits and hazards of such action, addressing questions like “Where does the money come from?”, “What are the potential consequences for the lenders?” and ”What are the potential consequences for the borrowers?”

Atenção: esta actividade envolve conceitos que um adulto pode ter dificuldade em compreender.

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