quinta-feira, dezembro 31

Os PIIGS da fringe

O NYTimes de ontem traz um artigo sombrio sobre o que podem esperar alguns "países fracos" da Europa.

At that point, the laggards on the union’s fringe — Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain (the so-called Piigs) — will face even tougher choices to cope with what looks like several more years of stagnant economies, high unemployment and gaping budget deficits.

...on the periphery, the hangover from more than five years of a credit-infused boom shows little sign of diminishing.

Ireland, the first economy to stumble, has taken the most severe fiscal action, cutting public wages sharply. A new Greek government, punished by the rough treatment of bond investors no longer willing to countenance soft promises of reform, is just now promising steep spending cuts. But it is not clear whether the political system in Greece will accept them.

Meanwhile, Spain, to the frustration of many major lenders, seems to be putting off difficult fiscal questions in the hope that its economy will soon recover.

Critics of the euro zone contend that weak governments in the peripheral economies, facing high unemployment and restive voters, will not have the stomach to hold down wages, pensions and public expenditures.

“Are these people serious about reform, or are they just telling people what they want to hear?” asked Edward Hugh, a British-trained macroeconomist who lives in Barcelona and has been critical of Spain’s unwillingness to take difficult economic decisions.

Felizmente que em matéria de reformas e decisões difíceis, podemos estar descansados porque cá em Tugal já se tratou disso tudo. Uf! Espanha que se cuide.

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